This is the story of my daughter Oliana who was born blind. To read her complete story start with the blog titled Oli's birth. You can email me at

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Walkie-Talkie Oli

We got a new posture control walker from Oli's physical therapist, Grace. She's doing really well with it and can now actually walk a few feet by herself using it! We're really excited! She's also getting more therapy too. She goes once a week to the hospital I work at and receives physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy.

She's really trying hard to talk now. It's so cute because I'll sound out the word for her and put her hand on my mouth so she knows how to move her mouth, tongue and lips to form the word. She concentrates so hard and then tries to imitate the word. You can just see the wheels turning in her head. She furrows her brow, cocks her head and moves her mouth. I just love it!! She is doing more sign language too! It's getting a lot easier because she's able to communicate more of her needs. She signs eat, sleep, more, all done.... And she says, yes, up, mama, baby, bye bye...and a few more words that I'm not thinking of right now.

So we continue to move forward. It's soooo much easier now than when she was little. Not only because she's older but, because Seth and I have learned to just relax and enjoy having two beautiful, smart, happy children. At the end of the day, what more can you ask for?