It's been a long and exhausting 6 days. I've been having contractions since last Thursday. Ugghhhh!!!! I was admitted to the hospital on Friday because I was dilated to 3 and 50% effaced. Needless to say, 24 hours later I was dilated to 3 and 50% effaced. Sent home on Saturday. Bittersweet because I'm totally miserable because the contractions have continued nonstop this whole time, but good for baby girl. I don't want her to come if she's not ready yet. Today the contractions are about every 5-10 minutes and stronger so I'm going to the doctor at 2:30 to see what going on.
The kids are doing great. Oliana talks more every week. Now she is telling me what she wants without me even prompting her! Her speech therapist told me yesterday that she is saying 2 word sentences during therapy. Yay!!! Kekoa is so excited for his baby sister to arrive. Every day he asks me "When is that baby going to come out?" My mom had the kids while I was in the hospital this weekend and she told me that when Kekoa was playing his Wii game he stopped in the middle and said, "Grandma, I can't concentrate. I just keep thinking about that baby!" How cute! I'll update again when I have more news.
It’s Great to be 8!!
7 years ago