This is the story of my daughter Oliana who was born blind. To read her complete story start with the blog titled Oli's birth. You can email me at

Monday, October 8, 2007

"Fixing" Oliana

I've recently been involved in a conversation about "fixing" Oliana. It seems strange to me that most people I encounter what to fix her. I don't consider her broken, but everyone else wants to change her. They ask me about eye transplants and assure me that in the future she will be able to see. I think the real problem is accepting something that is out of the norm. This world was created for sighted people and people who can see just can't imagine what it would be like not to. Anything that is different for us is very scary. It's alright to be scared and to worry about her and want the best for her, but she will have every opportunity available to her. While I appreciate people's concern we don't really need to be concerned about changing her. Everybody is born with imperfections. Oliana's is just more visible.

I am getting tired of having to defend her and her blindness. I constantly am having to reassure people that she is okay and it is okay that she's blind. I don't think she'll ever be able to see and there really is nothing wrong with that. I don't want her to grow up with people insisting that she will be sighted one day. Not only to give her false hopes, but I don't want her to think of herself as a "broken" person. She is who she is and she will always be.

Right now she is telling me to get off the computer because my typing is keeping her up. Even though she is in the other room!! She keeps grunting and groaning when I type, so farewell. Sleeping beauty needs her sleep!! Thanks for listening.


Anonymous said...

Hi Shannon,
You are so absolutely right! Oliana does not need to be "fixed". She is absolutely wonderful just the way she is!
Keep your chin up and stay strong! You are a great mom with a beautiful daughter.

Carol said...

Hey Shannon -- I totally agree with you that Oli is just fine the way she is. She is a darling little girl who is going to live a full life whether she can see or not! I so wish you didn't live so far away!!

I went through clothes last night (sorry, things have been SO busy lately!!) -- I couldn't find many 3-6 months, but found a few. And also found a few 6-9 mth and then a bunch of 12 mth. I'm afraid I borrowed a bunch when Kailie was little too, and the lady I borrowed the small clothes from had another girl, so I had to send them back to her. So I'm sorry about that!!! But I will send out what I have grabbed so far. I went up to 12 mths for now -- some of them say a larger size, but didn't fit Kailie when she was wearing the larger one, so hopefully Oli will get some use out of them.